William Wirt Middle School
Home of the Mighty Jaguars
Mr. Roger Prince, Principal
Email: Roger.Prince@pgcps.org
First Day for NEW Pre-K and Kindergarteners, 6th & 7th Grade Middle-Schoolers, & 9th Graders
Monday, August 24, 2015.
First Day of School for ALL Scholars is Tuesday, August 25, 2015.
I am privileged to be the Principal of William Wirt Middle School. William Wirt Middle School is well-known for its rich and unique history in the Riverdale and Baldensburg Community and I am proud to be apart of the community. We are a diverse, multicultural school with an active parent and teaching community devoted to the development of the scholars we all serve. We set high standards here at William Wirt Middle School and work collaboratively with our students, parents and staff to achieve it. I truly takes a village to raise a child. Communication and collaboration are the ultimate keys to student academic achievement. This cannot possibly happen without working together in an effort to create the positive and enriching learning experience for our scholars of William Wirt Middle School. I look forward to serving your children and working with you to make this school year the very best!
Mr. Roger Prince, Principal